Cafés Especiais elaborados com microlotes com pontuação acima de 84pt e notas sensoriais específicas
Who we are
Whim and attention to every detail, work and more work, always looking to do the best. This is Sebastian Coffee. A coffee that is special in name, origin and mainly, in the family, which has been dedicated to coffee since 1917, initially by the hands of the grandfather, and today, through the producers Rodrigo Safatle, his wife Lígia and his father, Marcelo, who share their joy in producing specialty coffees in São Sebastião do Paraíso – MG, from farms Faxina, Santa Ângela and São Paulo. A dedication that has been yielding recognition and awards in several contests.
São Sebastião do Paraíso
South of Minas
Sebastian Coffee is produced following strict quality standards, from crop management, harvesting, processing and storage in a sustainable way, respecting the environment, working in harmony with nature and people, producing solutions from the simple art of roasting coffee. coffee to own production of renewable energy.
Quality with Sustainability
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Closely monitor all stages from seedling formation, planting, handling the crop, harvesting, processing, tasting and sensory evaluation. Searching for the best grains, perfecting processes with each harvest, seeking the perfect fruit. Take special care with the roast. This is the daily life of the farms, closely monitored by Dr. Rodrigo, Dr. Ligia and team. A true passion in every detail that, in the end, pays off all the efforts when enjoying a cup of these coffees.